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Share Six - March -Frozen

Michele Tremblay photo

Here is March, coming with snow and still a lot of very cold days at the beginning of it. At Share Six we are sharing ~Frozen~ images for this month. No problem with me, living in a North country! And this year, dramatic weather conditions make possible for friends living South to captures some ice and snow too! Fortunately for them, everything is back to normal now. I can't imagine experiencing that cold without heated homes!

Last week we had a snow storm and it was the perfect moment to captures some winter scenes. I got some good shots while we were taking a walk in the blizzard. Did you have the opportunity to shoot some frozen things, or landscapes? We would love to see what you got!! For the month of March, please share your ~Frozen~ shots on our facebook page or with #sharesix_frozen tag on Instagram.

I am part of a group of photographers, Share Six, who blog 6 images on the 6th of each month with unique monthly themes. Please click HERE for the extremely talented Lynne Grant's interpretation of this month's theme. Then, follow around the blog circle for a whole lot more talent and inspiration! Enjoy!



Elizabeth Willson
Elizabeth Willson
Mar 08, 2021

The details you captured are absolutely stunning! What a lovely set of images!


Sharleen Stuart
Sharleen Stuart
Mar 07, 2021

Absolutely stunning Michele - I love the icicle details and the silhouettes are awesome. All the details you have around the faces is amazing. Well done.

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