September is Childhood Cancer Awareness month, so Share Six decided to join forces with the Gold Hope Project to help spread awareness!
For those of you who don't know, The Gold Hope Project is a non-profit organization of photographers who aim to provide free portrait sessions to families battling pediatric cancer. As photographers, they understand how truly important it is to document children's lives, and what better gift to give to parents going through such a tremendously difficult time!
So this month we go GOLD in our pictures! If you want to join, you can post your ~Gold~ pictures on Share Six facebook page or tag your picture on IG using #sharesix #sharesix_gold2019. To help spreading awareness, also tag #teamup4goldkids and #thegoldhopeprojet!
Here are some of my recent favorite gold colored pictures. They come from a moment of pure bliss, where my heart was filled with gratitude for that wonderful summer we had, and that wonderful life we share here and now, as we are enjoying it together.

I am part of a group of photographers, Share Six, who blog 6 images on the 6th of each month with unique monthly themes.
Please click HERE for the extremely talented Katherine Cobert's interpretation of this month's theme. Then, follow around the blog circle for a whole lot more talent and inspiration! Enjoy!
Again, join us for this month’s theme by posting your Gold pictures on our Facebook page at Share Six and to our Instagram gallery, by tagging #sharesix, #sharesix_gold2019
A new theme will be posted on July 6th.
