I was very honored to be asked to join a very talented group of photographer, Share Six, who blog 6 images on the 6th of each month with unique monthly themes. Here is my first post as a new contributor for this amazing team.
This month's theme is Red or Heart for heart disease awareness. February is Heart month, so Share Six has joined forces with the Paper Heart Project to spread awareness of heart disease and Congenital Heart Defects. Last year on social medias, thousands of people participated in the Paper Heart Project, created by Danielle Awwad of Little farm photography. Her 5 years old son SJ was born with 10 different Congenital Heart Defects and Heterotaxy. This project was about taking pictures of paper hearts and simply posting them on social medias with the hashtag #paperheartproject to show some support. It still goes on this year if you want to jump in!
This theme is very meaningful for me and my family. As some of you know, my dear husband, father of my kids, will undergo an open-heart surgery within few weeks. He has had a Congenital Heart Defect under control during most of his life, but not anymore. He has to be treated and we are so happy that research has been funded over the years to develop such efficient techniques/technology to save him.
So here are my 6 images as a contribution to the circle. Please read at the end to follow the circle of bloggers for more creative inspiration on this theme.

Thank you for joining us for another month at Share Six! I am a part of a group of photographer who blog 6 images on the 6th of each month. Please continue around the circle by CLIKING HERE to see how the amazingly talented Lynne Grand Photography interpreted the theme. Red color is associated with CHD so posting anything red will also work for this theme.
Join us for this month's theme by posting your Red or Heart pictures on our Facebook page or Instagram Gallery using the tag: #sharesix_red_heart .
A new theme will be posted on March 6th.